[IMG] Four Corners: Nov 13 November 10th, 2017By David Knox 1...

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    Four Corners: Nov 13
    November 10th, 2017By David Knox 1 commentFiled under: Programming,

    More TV heartache for the Prime Minister as “Malcolm in a muddle”, by Four Corners reporter Michael Brissenden, highlights leadership issues at the top.

    In the week the same sex marriage survey results will be announced, Four Corners will take you into the battle for control raging inside the Liberal Party. As reporter Michael Brissenden will show, whatever the results of the postal survey, the politicking will be far from over.

    “If you don’t want to be prepared to be part of the team, get out!” Former Liberal Premier

    When Malcom Turnbull took the leadership of the Liberal Party he promised to do things differently, end the slogans and act decisively. But for the last two years he’s been unable to stamp his authority on his government.

    “Malcolm Turnbull has a difficulty, as every leader does in keeping us all together and ultimately history will tell as to how successful he has been in that.” Former Cabinet Minister

    The Prime Minister has been held back by the conservative forces in the party, stoked by the man he deposed, Tony Abbott.

    “Their ideological beliefs are stronger for them than their desire to provide good government.” Liberal historian

    Divisive debates inside the party over same sex marriage, energy policy and climate change have become proxy wars for the bitter internal battle underway.

    “2017 is a pretty exciting time to be a conservative activist in this country.” Social conservative activist

    Social conservative activists are feeling energised and more confident by the day and as Four Corners will show, they’re playing a long game to take over the direction of the party, branch by branch.

    “We’re trying to give the power to the membership. So if you want to call that a power grab I’ll wear that any day of the week.” Social conservative activist

    These activists warn that if they’re unsuccessful in taking control of the party, they’ll take their votes elsewhere.

    “I believe Cory Bernardi could be the Australian Ronald Reagan.” Social conservative activist

    In what will become a momentous week in Australian politics, Four Corners examines the Liberal Party’s identity crisis and what it means for Malcolm Turnbull’s leadership.

    “At some stage, even he must realise, as I think the rank and file of the party have realised, that this sort of division is unacceptable.” Former Liberal Premier

    Monday 13th November at 8.30pm on ABC.

    Tags: Four Corners

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