''So you are saying if Australia has Subs, they are going to...

  1. 85,882 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''So you are saying if Australia has Subs, they are going to attack the world?''

    there is zero doubt that nuclear submarines are built for attack and not for defence -
    you might want to theorise on why then, Australia has agreed to nuclear subs

    Nuclear submarines are primarily designed for offensive attack capabilities, not defensive purposes.[1][3]
    ## Attack Capabilities of Nuclear Submarines
    Nuclear submarines are well-suited for offensive attack roles due to their virtually unlimited endurance and ability to remain submerged for extended periods. Their key offensive capabilities include:
    - Launching cruise missiles and torpedoes against surface ships and land targets[1][3]

    - Tracking and attacking other submarines[3][5]
    - Providing covert intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance
    Nuclear attack submarines (SSNs) are specifically designed as "hunter-killer" submarines to seek out and destroy enemy submarines and surface ships.[5] They carry a variety of torpedoes and missiles like Tomahawk cruise missiles for striking targets at sea and on land.[1][3]
    ## Lack of Defensive Armaments
    Nuclear submarines generally lack dedicated defensive armaments or point defense systems against incoming threats.[1] This is because their stealth and ability to remain submerged provides their primary defense. Adding defensive weapons would increase noise, require hull penetrations affecting depth, and be of limited use when submerged where the submarine's torpedoes are its main defense.[1]
    Some modern nuclear submarines are being equipped with the ability to launch surface-to-air missiles when surfaced, providing a limited defensive capability.[1] However, their core mission remains offensive attack against enemy naval forces and land targets rather than self-defense.[1][3][5]
    In summary, while having some basic self-protection abilities, nuclear submarines are primarily designed as highly survivable offensive attack platforms rather than for defensive roles due to their stealth and endurance advantages.

    [1] https://www.reddit.com/r/submarines/comments/u4ckcn/why_dont_submarines_have_active_or_offensive/
    [2] https://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/1959/december/defense-against-nuclear-powered-submarines
    [3] https://www.reddit.com/r/WarCollege/comments/17wp50r/how_can_a_navy_defend_against_submarines_and/
    [4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_submarine
    [5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attack_submarine
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