RERam is "..Next generation non volatile memory. Disruptive technology for cloud storage and mobile devices..."
The current products in the the non volatile memory space are NAND or "Flash" Memory. My understanding is that NAND /Flash is the memory chips that you currently find in "Thumb Drives" and the current generation mobile phones and even possibly the same memory used in Laptops and Desktop computers (Called SSD) that do not have harddisk. Although I am yet to confirm this SSD side of things.
Why is it ReRam needed ?
Currently NAND/Flash has a problem. There is a diminishing ability to reduce the size, and scale further. They use a lot of electricity to run and and run hot. So when you put alot of them in a large data center computer there are expensive aircondition and cooling costs.
ReRam is able to scale beyond what NANd/Flash can do, Ie, greater memory capacity on a smaller chip, requires a minecule amount of electricity (Great for mobile devices and large data centers alike) and generates a far less heat. So in this respect ticks all the boxes. In essence smaller devices that run cooler and enable your battery to last longer.!