4DS - Anything but Charting, page-22078

  1. 1,430 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1061
    You do realise the JDA with HGST runs out on June 30, don't you? Yes, it has been renewed every year, but 4DS could easily let it lapse or renegotiate different terms.

    Also, I don't agree with your sentiment around the valuation being held back by many multiples just because an option to licence exists. WGST/WD still have to pay a fee, and the fee would be determined by the owner of the technology. It may well be a fee HGST cannot afford.
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Mkt cap ! $62.07M
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3.2¢ 3.3¢ 3.0¢ $209.8K 6.603M

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29 2715063 3.0¢

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3.1¢ 206591 1
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Last trade - 15.55pm 28/02/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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