4DS 0.00% 4.1¢ 4ds memory limited

4DS - Anything but Charting, page-23970

  1. 894 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 214
    The latest platform lot is due out of the laboratory (fab) mid July. It is believed to be "the" one which can be tested finally to "start the exit" process - i.e negotiations for sale. Testing are expected to take a cuppla months. So announcements expected are 1. We our done in the fab (mid July). 2. We have the results - September ish. Of course we have quarterly announcements etc in there as well.
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Mkt cap ! $72.30M
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0.0¢ 0.0¢ 0.0¢ $0 0

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1 20470 4.9¢

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Price($) Vol. No.
3.6¢ 193643 1
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Last trade - 16.12pm 15/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
4DS (ASX) Chart
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