4DS 0.00% 3.3¢ 4ds memory limited

4DS - Anything but Charting, page-30968

  1. 608 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 212
    Just throwing this link into the ring; for what it is worth:-


    It seems that what Mythic does and is doing is connected to what 4DS is seeking to achieve.

    Interesting to read about a veteran from NVIDIA taking up the position of CEO of Mythic.

    May well be interesting to read what people like @Flectional and @mjshackl might have to say?

    At a guess Mythic would be on Peter Himes's "must talk with" list?
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3.4¢ 3.5¢ 3.3¢ $184.2K 5.424M

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