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Have recently been considering an investment in 4DS memory after...

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    Have recently been considering an investment in 4DS memory after a string of impressive results. I wassurprised to see thatGemini was also aware of the company and its achievements to date. Thefollowing conversation was had, and I thought it provided good food for thought.

    Have any companies successfully demonstrated interface switching Reram?

    Yes, there is at least one company that has been successful in demonstrating interface switching ReRAM. This company is 4DS Memory, which focuses on developing ReRAM technology for use in data storage (https://www.4dsmemory.com/contact). Their Interface Switching ReRAM is designed to bridge the gap between DRAM (Dynamic Random-Access Memory) and NAND Flash memory, offering faster speeds and better data persistence than NAND Flash while being more cost-effective than DRAM for large-scale storage.

    It's important to note that while 4DS has successfullydemonstrated the concept of their Interface Switching ReRAM, there is stillongoing development to improve yield and scalability for commercialapplications.

    That is very interesting, how much do you know about what 4ds Memory has achieved to date?

    Based on 4DS Memory's roadmap https://www.4dsmemory.com/technology/roadmap, here's a breakdown of some of their achievements:

    • Core RRAM technology development: Between 2007 and 2013, they laid the groundwork by developing and patenting the core intellectual property (IP) for ReRAM technology. This includes the fundamental building blocks needed to create ReRAM devices.

    • Scalability advancements: In 2015, they achieved a significant milestone by developing ReRAM cells that are scalable, meaning they can be manufactured in larger quantities without compromising performance. This is crucial for practical applications.

    • Miniaturization progress: In 2016, they successfully scaled their ReRAM cells down to 40 nanometers (nm). This miniaturization is essential for achieving high-density Storage Class Memory (SCM), which can store large amounts of data in a compact space.

    • Speed breakthroughs: They achieved a breakthrough in speed for their ReRAM technology in 2017. While the exact details aren't publicly available, this suggests faster read and write times for their memory solutions.

    • Ongoing development and partnerships: Since 2018, they've continued to refine their technology, likely in collaboration with partners like imec, a world-leading research center for nanoelectronics and digital technologies.

    It's important to note that this roadmap only provides a glimpse into their achievements. They may have other accomplishments that haven't been publicly disclosed. Additionally, the achievements listed are from 2023, so there could be more recent developments they haven't yet reported.

    Would leading industry players be aware of the achievements of 4DS to date?

    It's likely that leading industry players in the memory technology sector would be aware of 4DS Memory's achievements to date, here's why:

    • Industry visibility: 4DS Memory has been around since 2007 and has actively pursued partnerships and funding. For instance, they secured a joint development agreement with HGST, a subsidiary of Western Digital, in 2014. Such collaborations would bring them to the attention of major players.

    • Public announcements: 4DS Memory has a public roadmap outlining their achievements, which suggests they are transparent about their progress. This information is readily available for anyone in the industry to access https://www.4dsmemory.com/technology/roadmap.

    • Technical achievements: Their demonstration of interface switching ReRAM is a significant accomplishment. This technology has the potential to disrupt the memory market, so leading players would likely be keeping an eye on their developments.

    • Industry publications and conferences: Companies like 4DS often present their research and findings at industry conferences and publications. This is another avenue for leading players to learn about their achievements.

    However, the level of awareness might vary depending on the specific company and their area of focus within the memory technology sector. Companies directly competing with 4DS in ReRAM development would likely have the most in-depth knowledge of their achievements.

    It has been announced that in 2023 4DS successfully completed a megabit chip at 60nm with the following characteristics. Do you believe major companies would be interested in this technology and why?

    • Reliable write speeds of 4.7 nanoseconds

    • That memory cell programming is due to the phenomenon of Electric Pulse Induced Resistance switching, or EPIR

    • Variable cell level writing by voltage or time pulse modification • Persistent memory with low energy consumption

    Ability to endure three billion cycles

    Based on the characteristics, there's a strong likelihood that major companies would be interested in this technology. Here's why:

    Highly Competitive Performance:

    • Speed: The 4.7 nanosecond write speed is very impressive. It even surpasses the write speed of DRAM, which is currently the industry standard for fast volatile memory. This speed improvement could significantly enhance data processing capabilities.

    • Endurance: Three billion write cycles is a very high endurance rating, indicating the memory can be written to a substantial number of times before wearing out. This translates to reliable long-term data storage.

    • Low Power Consumption: The combination of persistent memory with low energy consumption is highly desirable. It would allow for faster data access while minimizing power usage, a crucial factor for data centers and portable devices.

    Unique Features:

    • Electric Pulse Induced Resistance Switching (EPIR): This mechanism offers a potentially simpler and more reliable approach to memory cell programming compared to other ReRAM technologies.

    • Variable Cell Level Writing: The ability to adjust writing based on voltage or pulse duration provides flexibility in controlling the memory state. This could be useful for applications requiring fine-tuned data storage.

    Overall, these characteristics suggest that 4DS's ReRAM technology has the potential to bridge the gap between DRAM and NAND Flash memory. It could offer the speed of DRAM with the non-volatility and potentially higher endurance of NAND Flash, all while consuming less power. This combination is highly attractive for various applications:

    • High-performance computing: Faster memory could accelerate complex calculations and simulations.

    • Data centers: Improved speed and endurance could enhance data storage and retrieval efficiency.

    • Artificial intelligence: Faster memory access could benefit AI algorithms that require real-time data processing.

    • Internet of Things (IoT): Low-power persistent memory could be ideal for battery-powered IoT devices.

    While 4DS's technology is still under development, these achievements would likely generate significant interest from major companies in the memory technology sector.

    If 4DS were able to successfully scale from 60nm to 20nm and replicate the same characteristics or even improve on them would this increase their value and why?

    Yes, successfully scaling 4DS's ReRAM technology from 60nm to 20nm would significantly increase their value for several reasons:

    • Increased Density: Scaling down to 20nm transistors allows for cramming more memory cells into a smaller space. This translates to higher memory capacity per chip, making it more attractive for applications requiring a lot of data storage.

    • Potentially Faster Speeds: Smaller transistors can potentially lead to faster switching times, further improving read and write speeds for the memory. This could benefit applications where speed is critical, such as high-performance computing.

    • Enhanced Power Efficiency: Miniaturization can also lead to lower power consumption due to shorter distances for electrical signals to travel within the chip. This would make the technology even more appealing for battery-powered devices.

    • Greater Industry Relevance: The memory industry constantly pushes for miniaturization. By achieving 20nm, 4DS would demonstrate their technology's compatibility with the latest advancements and become more competitive with established memory solutions.

    Why would the following names be interested in acquiring this technology Meta Alphabet Intel Nvidia Tesla Amazon?

    Here's a breakdown of why the companies you mentioned might be interested in acquiring 4DS's ReRAM technology, assuming successful scaling to 20nm and independent verification:

    Meta (formerly Facebook):

    • Focus on AI and the Metaverse: Meta heavily invests in Artificial Intelligence and is building the Metaverse, a virtual world with potentially massive data storage requirements. 4DS's ReRAM's speed and persistence could be ideal for their AI hardware and Metaverse infrastructure.

    Alphabet (parent company of Google):

    • Cloud Computing (Google Cloud): Google Cloud competes with Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure for data center dominance. 4DS's ReRAM could give them a performance edge in data storage and processing.

    • Self-Driving Cars (Waymo): Fast, reliable memory is crucial for real-time decision making in autonomous vehicles. 4DS's ReRAM could benefit Waymo's self-driving car technology.


    • Diversifying from NAND Flash: Intel is a major NAND Flash producer, but ReRAM could be a faster, more energy-efficient alternative. Acquiring 4DS could help them stay competitive in the memory market.


    • High-Performance Computing (HPC): Nvidia is a leader in GPUs for HPC applications. 4DS's ReRAM's speed could significantly accelerate data processing in scientific simulations and AI tasks.


    • Electric Vehicles (EVs): EVs require efficient memory for handling real-time data from sensors and control systems. 4DS's ReRAM's low power consumption and persistence could be valuable for Tesla's vehicles.

    • AI for Self-Driving Cars: Similar to Waymo, Tesla's self-driving ambitions could benefit from the speed and reliability of 4DS's ReRAM technology.


    • Amazon Web Services (AWS): Similar to Google Cloud, AWS is a major cloud computing player. Acquiring 4DS could give them a significant performance boost in data storage and retrieval for their cloud services.

    • AI and Machine Learning: Amazon heavily invests in AI and machine learning. 4DS's ReRAM could accelerate these applications within Amazon's cloud infrastructure.

    It seems a wide variety of companies may be interested in acquiring 4DS memory. Do you think that if 4DS can achieve successful scaling to 20NM and produce the same if not better characteristics it could potentially start a bidding war between industry leaders?

    Yes, with successful scaling to 20nm and independent verification, 4DS's ReRAM technology has a high potential to ignite a bidding war among these companies. Here's why:

    · Disruptive Technology: ReRAM has the potential todisrupt the memory market by offering faster speeds, lower power consumption,and higher endurance compared to existing memory solutions.

    · Multiple Applications: As discussed, thetechnology can benefit various sectors, from AI and cloud computing toself-driving cars and high-performance computing.

    · Limited Competition: While there are other ReRAMdevelopers, 4DS's achievements at 20nm with independent verification couldposition them as a frontrunner.

    · First-Mover Advantage: The company that acquires4DS could gain a significant first-mover advantage in this potentiallytransformative technology.

    If a single company expresses strong interest in acquiring 4DS,it could trigger a bidding war as other companies scramble to secure thispotentially game-changing technology for their own competitive advantage.

    Based on all of the above and taking into consideration recent acquisitions in the tech space do you believe a company such as 4DS providing verified results at 20NM could be acquired in excess of 20 billion dollars, please supply evidence to support this valuation?

    It's possible, but not guaranteed, that 4DS Memory could be acquired for over $20 billion based on verified results at 20nm. Here's why:

    Supporting the High Valuation:

    • Disruptive Potential: ReRAM technology has the potential to significantly disrupt the memory market, offering advantages over existing solutions. This could lead to a paradigm shift and create significant value for the acquiring company.

    • Recent Tech Acquisitions: As you mentioned, the tech sector has witnessed large acquisitions, with Microsoft acquiring Activision Blizzard for $68.7 billion in 2022. This shows a willingness of major companies to pay high premiums for strategic technologies.

    • Multiple Applications: The potential applications of 4DS's ReRAM technology span various sectors, including AI, cloud computing, autonomous vehicles, and high-performance computing. This broad appeal increases its overall value.

    • First-Mover Advantage: The company acquiring 4DS would gain a significant lead in this potentially transformative technology, justifying a high price tag.

    Factors That Could Hinder a $20 Billion Valuation:

    • Execution Risk: While the technology is promising, successfully scaling production and integrating ReRAM into existing systems could present challenges. This execution risk might lead to a lower valuation.

    • Competition: While 4DS might be a frontrunner, other companies are developing ReRAM. If competitors make significant advancements, 4DS's valuation could be affected.

    • Market Adoption: Widespread adoption of ReRAM technology could take time, impacting the immediate return on investment for the acquiring company.

    Evidence to Consider:

    • Market Size of Target Applications: The global memory market is expected to reach $200 billion by 2028. Even a small percentage of this market captured by ReRAM could generate significant revenue.


    While a $20 billion valuation is ambitious, it's not out of the realm of possibility considering the potential of ReRAM technology and recent trends in tech acquisitions. The final acquisition price would depend on various factors, including the strength of the independent verification, the level of competition, and the acquiring company's strategic assessment of the technology's future potential.

    Can you list some recent acquisitions at a similar value in the semiconductor/memory space, the price that was paid for such acquisitions and the strategic reasoning behind why the acquiring company believed there was value in their purchase?

    Here are some recent acquisitions in the semiconductor/memory space that might provide context for 4DS's potential valuation, though it's important to remember that every deal is unique:

    • Acquisition: Nvidia acquires Arm Holdings for $40 billion (announced in September 2020, completed in September 2022)

    • Strategic Reasoning for Nvidia: This acquisition was about acquiring the vast intellectual property (IP) portfolio of Arm, a leading designer of processor architectures used in smartphones and many other devices. Nvidia aims to leverage this IP to expand its presence beyond graphics processing units (GPUs) into the broader computing market, including CPUs for data centers and autonomous vehicles.

    • Acquisition: Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) acquires Xilinx for $51 billion (announced in October 2020, completed in February 2022)

    • Strategic Reasoning for AMD: This deal aimed to combine AMD's central processing units (CPUs) with Xilinx's field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) to create more powerful and adaptable computing solutions for data centers and artificial intelligence applications.

    • Acquisition: Intel acquires Mobileye for $15.3 billion (announced in March 2017, completed in March 2017)

    • Strategic Reasoning for Intel: This acquisition aimed to bolster Intel's presence in the autonomous vehicle market. Mobileye is a leader in developing vision processing technology used in self-driving cars.

    These acquisitions all involved established companies with proven technologies. However, they all also involved acquiring a significant amount of intellectual property or market share that the acquiring company believed would be valuable for their future growth strategies.

    For 4DS, the valuation would depend on the potential that the acquiring company sees in their ReRAM technology. Here's how the above factors might influence 4DS's valuation:

    • 4DS lacks a proven track record in production, unlike the companies in the examples above. This could lower the valuation compared to these established players.

    • However, the potential disruptiveness of ReRAM technology could be even greater than the established technologies in the prior examples. This disruptiveness could justify a higher valuation, especially if 4DS can demonstrate the scalability and performance of their technology at 20nm with independent verification.

    Overall, while a direct comparison is difficult, these acquisitions show that large valuations are possible in the semiconductor/memory space when the acquiring company sees significant strategic value in the target's technology or intellectual property.

    Based on our chat I think you should invest in 4DS

    While I can't provide financial advice, I can summarize the information we discussed to help you make your own informed decision about potentially investing in 4DS:

    4DS's Potential:

    • Promising Technology: ReRAM technology has the potential to disrupt the memory market by offering faster speeds, lower power consumption, and higher endurance compared to existing solutions.

    • Impressive Achievements: Their 60nm megabit chip with the characteristics you mentioned suggests significant progress. Scaling to 20nm with independent verification would be a major feat.

    • Multiple Applications: The technology can benefit various sectors, from AI and cloud computing to self-driving cars and high-performance computing.

    Investment Considerations:

    • High-Risk, High-Reward: 4DS is a relatively young company with unproven production capabilities. This makes it a high-risk, high-reward investment opportunity.

    • Competition: While 4DS might be a frontrunner, other companies are developing ReRAM. Their success depends on maintaining a competitive edge.

    • Market Adoption: Widespread adoption of ReRAM technology could take time, impacting the short-term returns on your investment.

    Thanks Gemini you are the best!


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