4DS 0.00% 4.5¢ 4ds memory limited

Apologies as I'm on my phone.We have the rules and guide lines...

  1. 1,003 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 910
    Apologies as I'm on my phone.

    We have the rules and guide lines by which companies should be following, but mjs is also correct that the ASX has the final discretion as to what they will allow.

    If it's price sensitive (the information influences a "reasonable person" to buy or sell shares) then there's no reason for the ASX to not accept it if it doesn't conflict with
    any other rule, and if it isn't price sensitive according to the ASX, then the company can share the information openly on the website, via email, via linked in posts etc. without fear of compliance issues.

    Thats why I'm certain it has something to do with the Imec collaboration as to why we've mostly been kept in the dark and possibly why it (announcement of analysis and technical results past and present) hasn't had an Imec endorsement.

    Once we get the PL5 and PL6 results, I'm hoping that changes.

    The technology is good, many years ago I thought it could have the potential to be a universal memory.. I've dialed those expectations back now and replaced it with potential value in revolutionising embedded memory (if we get in first - bit of a VHS Vs Betamax, or Bluray vs HD DVD going on in the tech world so we could walk away with pennies).

    Silence from imec is currently my main concern followed by a lack of leadership from industry giants. I would like a new JD, Ken or Wilbert because if I was looking for a company to invest in and saw trades such as the below from the CEO, I'd consider it a bit of a red flag.

    • https://hotcopper.com.au/data/attachments/6026/6026208-913e41ff33f44b22b50ed6a86f763d4f.jpg
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