About the Inuits, yes they lived on meat and blubber, and fish...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    About the Inuits, yes they lived on meat and blubber, and fish or wild red meat.

    They did not live very long, there were not too many old Eskimos, they used to die in their thirties and forties. Lack of hygiene was probably one cause of that, hard to wash well, if the warm water freezes before you get it on you hands or face, never mind anywhere else.

    I have been interested in this "What to Eat" topic all my life, having a weight problem too, and what I believe the crux of it all is, that
    "We have it too good, " human body does not have a chance to get a rid of all that good stuff (and bad ) we keep showing into our cake holes..

    Inuits in the old days managed to survive because, before they could eat all that fat and blubber, they had to burn a lot of energy to get it it.

    Paddling a kayak, or run along side the dog sled to keep warm and loosen the load on the dogs for hours on end. By the time he managed to kill something, Inuit burned so much energy, he could stuff himself will all meat and fat he managed to get down to his stomach, without putting on a pound.

    Hunters would munch on some tasty raw bits after a kill and then dragged most of it back to the camp where they shared it around. Then they would rest, repair damaged equipment, make some new weapons or tools and when meat started to run out another hunting party went out.

    Nowadays most polar natives live in the western style buildings, have Nescafe with sugar and cream for breakfast, kids eat Fruit Loops or Coco Pops, and all eat pancakes, eggs, bacon and sausages. Burgers and potato chips for lunch, why not a soft serve and an apple pie. Few beers in the afternoon, maybe some crisps or Cheezels with it, then more of the supermarket crap for dinner.
    Some still go hunting but nowadays it is a petrol driven snow mobile or a good sturdy boat with marine outboard or two.

    And guess what they are fat as rolly-pollies, suffering all our western deceases unknown to them before, diabetes, heart attacks and strokes, cancers too.
    They have it too good like the rest of us and it is no good for them.

    Another classic example is the one of the Canadian lumberjacks. They could eat as much as they liked of anything without putting on weight. After the chainsaws were introduced, to make their lot easier, suddenly they as a group they got fatter and fatter and health problems soon followed.

    My conclusion from life time reading and trying this and that diet is that it really does not matter too much what you eat, as long as you burn it for energy.
    Our bodies have this amazing ability to make almost anything we need from something else. It gives a subtle signals as well if you prepared to act. Sometimes we get an urge to eat a cheese and tomato roll. Another time plums suddenly look very tasty and desirable.
    Most of the minerals and chemicals we need are in many foods , be it fruits and nuts, seeds and grains, beans and pulses, vegetables or meat, red or white, farmed or wild and fish and seafood.

    If one is too fat, its probably because he or she has been overeating for a long time. Here I am not talking about sick people with metabolic disorders, but normal otherwise healthy human beings.
    Trying to loose fat too fast can be dangerous, IMO, unless one goes on classic Inuit hunt or starts logging forests without any modern machinery. Just axes and hand saws, I will allow you a horse and cart or a couple bullocks to drag the timber to the mill.

    The reason it could be dangerous is, that if you reduce your food intake too much, your body will start breaking down not only the stored fat, but also your muscle because the minerals, proteins or enzymes it needs for something may not be in the flab you want to get rid of it.

    Pictures of the prisoner from WW2 prison camps amply demonstrate what happens to human body if people eat only a piece of bread and warm water that had a few leaves of cabbage and old bone boiled in it.

    Interestingly none of these deprived people had blocked arteries or high cholesterol.
    But that is another story

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