5 food groups a fad or fact, page-44

  1. 1,752 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Hi whitepointer good luck with your plan.

    I wonder if you mean the book called:

    Sweet Poison: Why Sugar is Making Us Fat: by David Gillespie.

    There is a lot of concern of late about the dangers of refined white sugar 50% fructose, 50% glucose and even worse, the corn syrup which is used as a sweetener in USA in so many products, Specially Coca-Cola classic red can.

    Corn syrup is 60% fructose and as you said, the only way our body can metabolize fructose is by turning it to fat. Fructose can not be used immediately such as glucose can.

    This fat then can be reprocessed again in the body and broken into and converted in building blocks body needs to repair itself or burn it for energy.

    There is a very interesting, if a bit long, video clip on u-tube of a leading US biochemist explaining it all including the organic chemistry equations and it will not send you to sleep, just the opposite.
    It has been seen by millions of people and although I have not got a link , it is easy to find.

    So as I said in my other post, if we consume more than we burn, then the fat from fructose in a can of coke will just sit under our skin as fat and never gets used, because we also oversupply other goodies such protein, fat starches (complex sugars or carbohydrates)and glucose.
    Glucose is body's and brain main energy supply.
    If we do not supply it in our food, our body will make it out of something else in our organism. But if it is in our food supply, no need to break up or convert anything, it is already available as energy source.

    If we kept the energy intake in food and drink to less or equal our energy output (what we burn) then there would not be a problem, that is why it took so long to figure out what is going on.

    All of us got less and less active, driving our cars everywhere rather than walking, watching our share prices on our sofas at home rather than having to go to stock exchange and stand behind the glass with the binoculars, watching the chalkies pull the boards up and down to mark the bids.

    I do not think I tasted fruit juice until I turned 18 and it was in a a fancy "be seen" place.
    We just ate the oranges, or mandarins, apples and pears, raspberries and cranberries.
    We used to put a bit of real cordial made from a real fruit in our water, rather this fluorescent chemical that passes for cordial nowadays.

    As I got got older and more affluent, I and many of us thought it was a good life to drink Coke or Fanta, Leed or Sprite, rather than plain water. Not to mention quite a few beers after work or bottles of wine on the weekend.
    I thought I was doing a right thing by putting fruit juice tetra packs in my kids lunch boxes, having seen they were not eating the fruit I also provided. The "healthy" muesli bars full of sugar.

    Well, it turns out it was all wrong. Soft drink should have been a treat, like when we were kids, once a week or fortnight, when we went to see our rich and fat cousins.
    Or out in a park on the weekend, with mum and dad and 1 scoop of ice cream or icicle at the end.
    Not daily sugar and fat overload.

    Most people are getting it now, slowly but surely.
    Let us hope it is not too late for us babyboomers.

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