50 years sober as of yesterday., page-10

  1. 2,745 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 91
    Mostly beer as an 18 yo, Pub at lunch, school of mate too slow for me, so I would "Go to the toilet" in one door from saloon bar, out the other to the main bar, sink "two quick pots" and back to the 'school'.
    With mate at footy, half-dozen large cans and a flask of brandy for last quarter.

    Married at 23, half-dozen bottles, during TV, Mrs gone to bed, I wake up,TV blank, empties and knocked over bottles around chair, dunno know why, but I would open more than one bottle at a time.
    Up later during the night, 'Pronounced cough', to mask the POP of bottle or can opening.

    Morning tea at work, had to garner hints from colleagues about previous night's TV, I had no idea, lots of 'blackouts', as a mate in AA used to say, it was not a night out with Eartha Kitt!

    Had to give up Brandy, liked it too much, thought I would be OK on beer, I was no snob, didn' care what brand that was irrelevant.

    Got a taste for cider Adnets near Pakenham made a Sweet, a dry and a Scrumpy, 2l flasks from memory, one a night, "walked backwards'
    on scrumpy.
    Gave the cider up after drinking with the boss from work in Yacht Club pub Williamstown, a Cider pub. Was worried because the Publican was a Cider Buff and had a huge round head and a purple face, could see me going the same way, back to beer it was "harmless'!

    Heaps and heaps more to tell where and when to stop? that's enough to give you an idea.
    Mostly a sole/lone drinker, mates and people were irrelevant, drinking was my go, I had a huge capacity for fluids anyway.

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