LNC 0.00% 99.5¢ linc energy ltd

Hi Anyones guess,On a purely FA basis yes the SP could be up...

  1. 689 Posts.
    Hi Anyones guess,

    On a purely FA basis yes the SP could be up again, quite quickly, but it probably won't be, even if good things happen. e.g Exarro terms & RA evaluation.

    Also refer to TBEs post. Companies further advanced than LNC, putting good news out there, are also being belted.

    Todays announcement suggests, true to form, that Bondy may expend more capital in order to divest on a grand scale. Like we don't have constrained capital already.

    Here's a novel idea. Why don't you keep an open mind and use both TA & FA. WOW! That way you wouldn't have one arm tied behind your back. IMHO.

    Buying low & selling high is my strategy. Anything that helps me do that is welcome & appreciated

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