56 Fun-Filled Summer Daysby Angela BertzJun 27, '04 On the 25th...

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    56 Fun-Filled Summer Days
    by Angela Bertz
    Jun 27, '04

    On the 25th of June, the International Solidarity Movement and the Palestinians kicked off 56 fun-filled summer days of activities.

    The 56 days, say the ISM, is to symbolize the 56 years since Israel came into statehood and represents "one day for every year of displacement and dispossession against occupation".

    Not surprisingly, the main theme of this 56-day carnival is Israel's "Defensive Wall", sadly built too late for more than a thousand dead Israeli citizens and thousands more who have been permanently scarred, both physically and mentally; after nearly four years of being barraged with almost daily Palestinian terrorist attacks. The ISM are hoping to demonstrate to anyone who may still have the patience and tears to shed for Palestinian plight-hood how Israel has the audacity and gall to build such a fence (only 3-5% is in fact a wall). According to the ISM, this gravely affects the dignity, justice, freedom and human rights of the Palestinian people, with seemingly no apparent connection to their constant and deadly acts of terrorism, which are simply ignored.

    This very dubious organization has no serious credibility, other than being a sadly delusional and misguided bunch of do-gooders, losers and people who are simply unable, or flatly refuse, to make any distinction between solid historical facts and fiction.

    The ISM will carefully avoid mentioning that the Palestinian struggle is supposedly all about having their own state, yet they could have had that back in 1948 and more recently in the year 2000, with 97% of their demands met, including Jerusalem as their capital.

    The ISM will carefully avoid any mention of the 24/7 hate incitement that has succeeded in turning out demonic children by the thousand, who are considered of more value to their own people dead than alive.

    The ISM will carefully avoid any mention of the scores of tunnels that have been built to smuggle ammunition into Gaza for the purpose of killing and maiming Israel's innocent civilians.

    The ISM will carefully avoid mentioning terrorist organizations like Hamas and the Al-Aksa Martyrs Brigades, who compete with each other for the honour of claiming that their brainwashed ghoul, strapped with nails and explosives, was responsible for the latest carnage on an Israeli bus.

    The ISM will carefully avoid any talk of dignity and justice when it comes to Palestinians racing joyfully through their streets with the blown up body parts of Israel's soldiers.

    The ISM will carefully avoid speaking out against the millions and millions of dollars of aid money, donated over the years to improve the miserable lives of the Palestinian people, but finding instead a short cut into Yasser Arafat's substantial pocket, making him one of the richest people in the world.

    The ISM will carefully avoid the fact that the Palestinians have never removed from their charter the clause calling for the destruction of Israel.

    The ISM, for all their fine talk of peaceful demonstrations and non-violence, is an organization committed to Palestinian propaganda and defending terrorism. They have the unmitigated nerve to be planning actions in the name of peace against a sovereign nation, which has been forced to build a barrier as protection against terrorism. The ISM is planning to take down or break off parts of the wall. They plan to open roadblocks. Worst of all, instead of defying the Palestinians' appalling human rights record against their own children, they plan to march with them, thereby enforcing acts of martyrdom as something every Palestinian child should strive to emulate.

    In Israel, we are looking forward to the next 56 years, which is more than can be said for the "poor Palestinians" - unless they accept that the lies, deceit, corruption and denial of their leaders has led them absolutely nowhere, except of course for the condescending and mindless presence of the ISM.

    Still, it's not all bad news. Rumour has it that there are already 21 ISM people set to compete in the Hanan Ashrawi look-alike competition featured on day 10.

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