GOLD 0.51% $1,391.7 gold futures

60 minutes usa, page-13

  1. 1,484 Posts.
    communication is a great tool for transferring wealth, together with solid but basic understanding of cashflow and ability to read fundamentals, all other knowledge is a bonus.

    If your competition is equal in all respects, but has superior communication skills...

    Some pretty disturbing links on this and the Silver thread - If I had to summerize in simple terms I would say -

    Basically the Vampire Squid, ie Goldman and Sachs and the other Banker and politician gangsters created money by lending money that did not exist -(sold assets at unreal values) - disclosure of what they had done, brought the whole global economy down.
    Then with a little help from their friends they took tax payer money to fill the hole they created. Except the money went off-shore in search of better profit and the bad debts are still on the books.

    The bad debts created were never taken of the books - the money created went of shore and the world has never cleaned the wound properly. Now more tax payer money (debt) is being created to "paper over" the wound and "stimulate" the economy - meantime the State Governments are going broke.

    What is really interesting is the debt war between USA and China - USA wants to halve their debt by halving the buying power of what they owe. Except China wont let that happen because China has to print Yuan to give to the people when it accepts USD payments. US is trying to pass its inflation to China - China is trying to control hundreds of millions of people moving into the new cities by giving them jobs and wealth. Who is buying their goods?
    Is their own domestic economy + the emerging East who are sucking up cheap rubbish products enough to keep the Dragon growing at +6% - I dont know, but if you are into Aus. commodities that is the million dollar question.
    (1 AUD million that is)

    The smart money is into Copper, Coal and Iron Ore - these are Growth products - they obviously believe in continued growth - I am sure they are right in the Long term as it is not Human Nature to go without for long.

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