but what is really happening here...???? we are told our...

  1. 72 Posts.
    but what is really happening here...???? we are told our resouces boom is to fuel chinas middle class economic growth and it probably is, but isnt it also providing the raw materials that could build a massive war machine eg.planes ships bombs whatever,so that when the time comes that the depleting world food supply can no longer feed them that they might just start taking matters into their own hands...ala americas invasion of iraq,[if you want the stuff,you just go and bomb the hell out of the people that have it, and take it] What if china starts thinking like america.??...What does china need right now,?? Energy,resources,food,more energy,more food,...who has all these in abundance..umm..Australia???Whos gonna stop them from just taking it..???America..hahahah..THATS WHAT WE HOPE EH..fingers crossed everybody..isnt america economy on the verge of a debt induced economic capitulation..??the chamelian is trying to convince the world it is still the almighty power of the world ..how...by bombing a defenseless country.??pi$$weak if you ask me...thats like holding a gun to a street beggars head and stealing his tin.. How would they go against a real opponent.?? one that could bomb back..one that could level[ american and australian ] cities like they have done..a bigger war machine than theirs..???one that could take americans way out of their comfort zone... I doubt that america could afford to defend aus at the moment against a real army,or would be too gutless to get shot at by a formidable foe.Theyll say..god damn those chinese really have got Weopons of Mass destruction.!!!best we let them take our little aussie friend as a kind of sacrifice to save our own ass...theres only 20 million of em anyway...
    So while we bask in the sun of a boom lets hope to high hell that our resources arnt building an awesome war machine that will come for us one day and will squash anything that stands in its way to satisfy its voracious appetite for food and energy.The world is running out of both all too quickly.Only the strong will survive when it comes to dog eat dog.We arnt that strong.it will be like taking candy from a baby.The chinese are very clever.They will prepare themselves for future survival.We on the other hand are like a spoilt teenager.. Bugger the future I want everything and I want it now.Our short term thinking selfserving morons who have been running the country for the last 50 yrs are a classic example.
    Just a possibility thats all ...call me suspicious but I dont trust evrything Im fed from the MEDIA ...China will be looking to see where its next feed is coming from and we are a basket of food [and Energy]sitting at their front door.I hope MY suspisions are totaly wrong and we all live happily ever after in a world of peace love harmony and abundance so our childrens children can experience life as we would like them to.But we can only hope that our pollies get it right.I prey that SOUTH PARK [kevin rudd]has the balls to make some good decisions to benifit australia long term and hope he is not just another moron who is thinking about the party getting re-elected in 4yrs...Dont get me wrong i do like the chinese Im just cant help but think that when push comes to shove its evry man {or country] for themself.The world is running out of everything that we need to survive...
    good luck to you all and your family..

    regards SB...

    ps..want an investment tip.???? Learn to grow food.
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