7.30 report

  1. 1,850 Posts.
    What does bob brown think the Australian defence forces are trained to do ..sit around and knit, sock scalfs, and beenies for tree huggers to wear..
    there out there risking there lives fighting wars, which they signed up to do , to try to help places in the world so that people don't have to flee..so they can live there in there place of birth and culture in harmony ..with out fear of opression.
    brown complains that people are fleeing oppressive regiems and they should be given help but there not prepared to stand up for them on there own turf, no brown would prefer that thay live through generations of displaced persons never finding home, trying to create some half baked excuse that resembls the place where there soul belongs its cruel opression descuised as compassion.
    And for goodness sake whay do we have to get bogged down in this munuate detail ..the world will soon have 3 billion more people to feed , why do they chatter on about a few 100 soilders doing there best , when we have a river system that needs attention ..it needs more water, there's plenty water to be had and to feed into it ..just needs major capital project to move it ...given the right incentives major Austrailin companies can invest in future developments ..yet we are stuck chattering over left wing dribble, none of it is productive ..it simply just crap.
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