''really what the Opposition should be attending to is the...

  1. 86,374 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''really what the Opposition should be attending to is the immediate future energy supply. the past Lib Govts were tardy at best in encouraging replacement for coal. only a few gas peaking plants under construction from their 9 years of failure. and yet this is the most viable tech with relatively quick builds and with 2 years behind them there has been not proposal for a new gas plant.''

    the very first step in going into a high tech world - and if that includes a nuclear world

    is to MASSIVELY UP STEMS EDUCATION AND RESEARCH - both general and specific

    without STEMS ---------- there is no nuclear, there is no technological future

    the commitment must be massive and the commitment must be almost immediate

    'immediate' being - within months ------------ not in a few years or so, or maybe some time


    Then - we need to know how to attract, house, feed, look after the students and researchers ------- and we also need a rock solid plan for industrial development when they graduate

    without such - everything else is pure bullshit
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