Hairyback says: "Class warfare , labor has managed it in...

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    Hairyback says: "Class warfare , labor has managed it in australia."

    Class warfare in Australia began in the Great 1890 Depression
    that was caused by Upper Class Queensland pastoralists
    speculating that Land Boom prices would keep rising.

    When land prices crashed, Upper Class pastoralists pushed
    austerity pain from their fat bank accounts on to the bent
    backs of blade shearers by cutting the price per sheep.

    Shearers responded by forming the Queensland
    Shearers Union who went on strike for fair pay.

    At pastoralists behest Magistrates charged strike
    leaders with swearing an Illegal secret oath and
    slung them into prison. Britain's Tollpuddle
    Martyrs (who formed the first UK union for
    poorly paid farm labourers) were charged by
    Magistrates with swearing a secret oath of
    worker solidarity and transported to Van
    Dieman's Land (now Tasmania) and put
    in the vile Port Arthur Penitentiary along
    with Scots Covenanteers, Irish rebels,
    English Chartists, harlots, poachers,
    forgers, thieves and vagabonds.

    Labor did not begin the Class War.
    Upper Class English Gentry did.
    The Liberals kept the class war
    going with Work (No) Choices.

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