Two thirds of the Republicans failed to support the...

  1. 6,351 Posts.
    Two thirds of the Republicans failed to support the "Bailout"...... interesting

    After being around Dubya, Dick and Co., maybe they know something.... maybe they are worried others might find out.

    Those lines on Dubya's forehead speak volumes. Don't think he can just blame cerebral damage from past excessive alcohol consumption for his dribbling, either.

    I would ask how much the "war on terror" cost legitimately (ha-ha).... Maybe Dick, Halliburton may have some answers.

    On a less conspiratorial note, all around the world in many places, "equities" (and debt) have gone up unrealisistically, lost touch with reality.....

    BUT, I would hazard a guess that some behind the scene are profiting greatly from our "credit crisis" and money spun off to anonymous equity groups (during the war process, etc) will allow some to profit handsomely.... buying up at rock bottom prices......

    "Praise the lord (Mammon) and pass the ammunition."
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