Again, search the net for credible youtubes - pre - rapture...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Again, search the net for credible youtubes - pre - rapture verse non..

    I say that this is important, along with the wrath verses trib, because if no pre rapture, people wont be spiritually prepared.
    "opposing views of the pre-exist of Christ"

    You seem to refer to this the likes of - so what, as in what difference does it make.
    John 17:3 for one, and how Paul links this creating another Jesus, with the doom for Eve, so that suggests it is very important.

    Hence, if I have you correct with the above then there is a HOUSTON moment here -> "helping others believe in Christ then welcome aboard."

    Would you want to be the one, responsible for teaching another Jesus?
    Do any of the OT prophesies, many for a Jesus to be, even hint at, that he already existed in some way shape or form??????
    Should that not determine how we NEED to look at the NT and look deeper into the verses that appear to give a hint of a pre-existing one, and let many verses that people don't use, nail the truth?

    Example -> Before Abraham I am or I was = NO link to I AM in Ex, at all.
    Gen 3:15 - And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.= before Abraham I am and likewise with Rev 13:8 = before Abraham I am.

    Don't be fooled by those that incorrectly misunderstood Jesus, and follow their error, Jesus gave up on them and walked off and left them floundering.

    Recently you quoted John 3:13, for a pre-existing one, and I showed you clearly from it's surrounds, that that did nothing of a sort, its a heavenly message = prophesy to unfold.
    So, do you see the clear example there, as to what a preset mind can cause you to do, in regards to interpreting in error.

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