830pm tonight abctv global warming swindle, page-36

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    don't bet on it meerkat - too many things have happened in my own life for the better.

    Global warming's an industry - gives many nonentities a reason to BE!

    And keeps a lot of people in a well paid career - or with a drum to bang - or something to gabble on about ad nauseum - or fly to international talk fests at some spiffy resort to talk about -or run around streets with banners about - (as an alternative to getting a job) - or gives someone what they regard as the edge in endless political waffling -

    and the third world does need electricity - and power.
    And third world women and children shouldn't have to live like that while their men are off - generally waging war or killing someone. (Never any do-gooders protesting about that!)

    Yes, clean up energy production - but don't inflict us with this oppressive, boring, agressive, never-ending droning on about it. We do all have lives to lead meanwhile. It's NOT the end of the world. Wish they'd all lighten up - and cut out the doomed all going to fry" mantras.

    The world has been going to be doomed many times before - but it lives on - brilliantly. I believe in the sun effect theory - and I think that's just too simple for some.

    And Melbourne's having it's coldest July SINCE 1998.
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