88E 0.00% 0.2¢ 88 energy limited

Warnie I started replying to you and then thought I can't really...

  1. 531 Posts.
    Warnie I started replying to you and then thought I can't really say any of that so deleted it all. I believe 100% in 88 Energy project icewine and the fantastic bod, I also believe in presentations and investor get togethers which shows support and appreciation from both sides, however I'm not a supporter of Labour and their unions and an unelected voice of the people.

    Enjoy the rest of your evening
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Mkt cap ! $57.86M
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0.2¢ 0.2¢ 0.2¢ $2.136K 1.068M

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No. Vol. Price($)
550 1564240754 0.1¢

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Price($) Vol. No.
0.2¢ 187857945 82
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Last trade - 16.10pm 27/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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