HDR hardman resources limited

88m confirmed, page-11

  1. 9,750 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 147
    re: king louie - to hardmano?? I think you may be sort of correct in as much as the day traders don't want to make the first move but once it starts I'm sure the old DT's will have a dabble but as Macca's tought them last year, it's a bigger playing feild now so the movements aren't as fast or as predictable.

    THis announcement could be the straw that breaks the camels back and international players who have been sitting on the sidelines waiting for more oil to be proved up will be crunching the numbers and looking at geting a slice. Leverage is the key and I don't think they'll be getting it any cheaper than it is today.

    Well done long term holders, pay day is just around the corner.
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