$89 billion reasons to quit Paris agreement, page-6

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4

    And the desperation of the coal lobby continues. They are really starting to look like the tobacco industry.

    Rolling out one of Tony Abbott's old mates and his dodgy report.

    Funny thing is that Tones wants to stay in Paris now. Please explain that ?

    About Brian Fisher.

    “Information obtained by the Ombudsman indicated that ABARE had adopted a funding structure and administrative practices for its climate change research projects which failed to adequately protect ABARE as a public sector research agency from allegations of undue influence by vested interests.”

    " After successfully seeing off Kyoto, ABARE under Fisher continued to produce assorted reports that argued the government should avoid policies focused on providing an immediate market to pull forward the deployment of emissions reduction technologies (so called ‘technology-pull’ policies, such as carbon pricing, renewable energy targets and feed-in tariffs) on the basis that effective emissions reduction technologies didn’t yet exist.Instead ABARE recommended a focus on moon-shot technology research and development, particularly on clean coal (referred to as ‘technology push’ policies). This technology-push not pull argument reached a crescendo in 2006 as Fisher championed the Howard-Bush Asia Pacific Partnership of Clean Development and Climate. Can’t remember this initiative? Don’t worry, you didn’t miss anything. In a January 2006 report, Fisher argued:Both technology ‘push’ (for example, research and development policies) and ‘pull’ (for example, emissions trading) will be required in the long term [my emphasis]. However, it will be important to ensure that ... the necessary technologies to substantially reduce emissions actually exist and are capable of deployment before technology ‘pull’ policies are adopted.Over 2006 with calls to implement an emissions trading scheme becoming louder, Fisher rushed out a report to preempt the CSIRO-led Energy Futures Forum, pushing the ‘wait for a miracle strategy’:‘Late action’, based on a plausible expectation that renewed emphasis on a technology solution to climate change would result in the development and diffusion of cleaner and more cost competitive technologies beyond 2050, is estimated to cost the global economy (as well as the Australian economy) substantially less than any ‘early action’ involving the use of existing technologiesAfter leaving government, over 2008-09 Fisher – much to the surprise of his former ABARE staff – suddenly reversed his prior optimism about clean coal. He now suggested Treasury carbon pricing modelling was flawed due to its assumption that carbon capture and storage would plunge in cost – precisely what he projected while at ABARE.Working first for Charles River and Associates and then Concept Economics he was paid by the oil and gas industry, electricity generators and the mining industry, each separately, to paint grim pictures of the economic consequences from government efforts to reduce carbon emissions in the near term.In credit for these efforts, Clive Hamilton named him as one of the 'dirty dozen' who had done greatest harm to efforts to control Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions under the Rudd-Gillard Labor Government.However, since 2009 his influence waned under a hostile Labor government.Now, Abbott has recalled him from the bench. "

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