9/11 debunked, page-50

  1. 1,616 Posts.
    These 3 people were caught on 9/11 in a van with a picture of a plane infront of the two towers:


    "Our purpose was to document the event."

    Did you know 7 of the 19 supposed highjackers are just regular people still alive today (6 interviewed on TV overseas) working regular jobs? One of them lost his passport in the US the year before.

    No bodies of any victims or highjackers were ever found at the WTC or Pentagon.
    One of the supposed highjackers partied on Jack Abramoff?s boat the week before 9/11. Also was drinking, doing drugs?not very hard core muslim extremist me thinks.

    Anyone heard of DARPA? You should, they created the internet and specialize in drone plains. Condaleeza Rice said how could anyone predict planes flying into the pentagon or world trade center. DARPA and the Pentagon run a simulation and exercise a year prior to 9/11. The pilot involed in this exercise is Charles Burlingame. The same pilot a year later that was the ?supposed? pilot of AA flight 77. What a coincidence!!

    The Bin Laden videos admitting to 9/11 were later proven fake (he is left handed not right as depicted in the video and he did not magically become younger), the CIA came out and admitted they faked it...same thing they did with the pic of when they apparently killed him.

    Watch one of the many documentaries on 9/11 to get the full facts:
    Loose Change 9/11, Missing Links, 9/11 Fabled Enemies, 9/11 In Plane Sight and Fahrenheit 9/11.

    If you take the time to watch these you will see the truth. All the evidence is available to the public, no wild conspiracies in these documentaries, pure facts.

    George Bush snr was doing a business deal with Bin Laden's family at the White House that day through the Carlyle Group for Christ sake...if you still buy it was Bin Laden then there is a serious problem here. Bin Laden is a CIA asset, he was funded by them to fight the Soviet's. You think if he was so evil that the former president of the USA would be doing business deals with his family? Cmon people wake up, admit you got fooled into buying the story given to us. Nearly everyone fell for it, but now the majority of American's even (60% in a recent NY poll) don't believe the story given and think the govt was involved.

    The Victims families and the firefighters are the ones protesting louder than ever to be heard and spread the message of the 9/11 truth.

    Was 9/11 the work of 19 (now proven it could only be 12) people with box cutters organized by a guy on dialyses living in a cave in Afghanistan?
    I think not.
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