9/11 explosive evidence, page-137

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 249
    WTC was designed to withstand a passenger jet hitting it but it did not, so the conclusion is that it was impossible? Hmm, that reminds me of the saying that 'practice is exactly the same as theory...in theory'.

    Hard to accept the absence of planes hitting the towers when there do appear to be planes, filmed by media and various private citizens filming from their apartments as well as that French documentary maker. Sure looks and sounds like a plane flying low over head and hitting the tower and the guys blamed for planning it say they did it. The alleged pilots were training to fly jets.

    The passport is odd, but very odd things do happen. I saw a documentary on a German passenger who lived after a jet exploded at 40,000 feet - hit a few trees and landed still in her chair, the only survivor.

    Building 7 seems odd, but Wikipedia explains a few things about it, such as being a 47 story building built on a support designed for a 25 story building and clever internal engineering done to compensate etc. followed by further internal restructuring.

    Apart from that, even if you felt it was a deliberate 'false flag' operation, seems a bit excessive doesn't it? A few weeks of a media-driven 'clear and present danger' propaganda campaign is generally enough for the US to send in the marines. As a concocted reason', it seems stupid, but above all, unnecessary.

    As for the USA ignoring it and letting it happen. FBI and CIA don't play well together - they watch too much TV and bureaucrats playing in a space where there is no real measure of performance or oversight are notoriously incompetent and uncooperative - everyone is desperate to claim any success is down the billion dollars spent on them - and not the other lot.

    When the possibilities are incompetence and institutional antipathy with no sense of personal responsibility, versus an exquisitely complex, 100% effective, enduring and secret plot - incompetence will generally bring home the bacon.

    Why there are no large bits of plane at the Pentagon seems ostensibly odd, although I guess mostly planes crash at a lower speed with a pilot trying to slow down and pancake the thing as opposed to smacking it into an immovable object at fast as possible.

    This link has a guy who seems to have a few rational physical explanations, although seems to be doing it as part of some other sort of conspiracy that is happy to entertain a plane, but flown by remote control I think, but I haven't followed him down his particular rabbit hole.


    It is endlessly fascinating thing to explore, leaving aside how terrible a series of events it was and so are all the theories. Anyhow, carry on - anything is possible.
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