9/11 explosive evidence, page-348

  1. 11,213 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    No Nicky, no jet ever ran into building 7.

    The reporters and other TV staff were probably reasonably fatigued by this time - around 7 hours after the first plane hit, so not that hard to believe that there could have been a slip up in timing by the person who wrote what needed to be read by the mouthpieces. See, only takes one.

    The PTB are transnationalist - they are not concerned with international boundaries. Think global; they certainly do. The US is the military arm.

    There certainly was a slip up in the reporting by the BBC given that the the woman is telling the viewers of the collapse while the live picture clearly shows the building standing in the background.

    The BBC is the propaganda arm of the UK government.


    P.S. Nicky seems you too are fatigued given you aren't even referring to Building 7, but the North and South towers.

    P.P.S. Please don't call me mate.
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