"Firefighters knew it was coming down, thats why they got the...

  1. 22,698 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    "Firefighters knew it was coming down, thats why they got the firefighters out and setup a perimeter. Firefighter telling the reporter WTC7 is going to come down ...."

    Exactly Grahod! What news agency hasn't speculated or reported or misreported on information. You could imagine the chaos on the ground and the rush to get news out. I thought the latest media frenzy with the Malaysian flight would be enough proof of how news can be misinterpreted.

    On the one hand the conspiracy theorists want us to believe that this "event" was SO well organised and kept secret. So much secrecy at the time was required to pull this off from the "demolition crew", to the pilot, flight crew, through all levels of government. And we are suppose to believe that the secret has been kept for the 14 years following the event. YET, such a well orchestrated, "SECRET" attack would be so unprofessional as to warn or tell the BBC 20 minutes before they demolish a building.

    Do you see the anomaly with this theory? A secret demolition crew would "inform" the BBC 20 min before they demolish a building. It is quite ridiculous really. Wouldn't letting a news agency know 20 minutes before you demolish a building compromise or threaten the success of your cause(to demolish a building) and risk being caught. Think about it??? Why on earth would a "secret governmental" demolition crew leak information to BBC 20 min before they demolish a building. Makes the theory look very silly if you really think about it.

    In no way would I use this theory as evidence to back up the whole conspiracy theory. The theorists use it as proof of a demolition. However, it's actually a good way to refute the demolition theory because why would anyone be so stupid as to comprimise their "mission" and risk being caught.

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