9/11 fire-fighters: explosives in building, page-100

  1. 6,721 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Hi kjhaze,

    Good list that you have there of previous false flags.I was aware of many of those(not all)especially Pearl Harbour. it amazes me that people are so wedded to the official line in spite of all this history.Must be all that high class propaganda that's floating around.
    Because they have form in regards to false flags, my default position on any new american announcement is that they are lying straight up, and only if they provide incontrovertible evidence will i accept their story. The British aren't any better. you don't get to run a worldwide empire by being a bunch of good little boy scouts.

    The penny dropped for me about the sept 11th incident on that day when the "magic passport" was found. It must have been a true miracle to leave a "hijackers pocket as everyone in the plane was turned into the consistency of soup due to hitting a building at that speed,flying through the plate glass windscreen or aluminium skin of the plane through the flames and down on to the street where thousands of pieces of debris was raining down, and then to be found and then recognised for what it was.
    Another aspect to this is that the "attack" was spectacular but not particularly serious. About the same death toll as 3 weeks of the US road toll (@48k/year).
    A rational attacker would have hijacked 100 planes, put them into the capitol building, nuclear power stations, oil refineries, essential infrastructure while others were releasing Ebola or Marberg virus in every major subway in the country. Now that would have been an attack, not some middling redevelopment of buildings that were due to be demolished anyway, except that no one could afford to do it the conventional, piece by piece way that was proposed.

    There are those that say that a conspiracy would have been leaked, someone would have talked in the past 9 years.There have been many proven conspiracies where no one has talked(or at least has become heard) for a long time after the fact.The Lusitania incident was only confirmed recently with the discovery by submersibles of ammo in the wreck, a very naughty thing to have found given that the Lusitania was presented to the world as an innocent passenger ship sunk by the evil Germans when in reality the passengers lives were used to get the US into the war. There are many other examples so no need to labour the point.
    The other very interesting question that may point in the right direction were the "5 dancing israelis" seen filming the twin towers burning and giving each other high fives, suggesting that they weren't at all grief stricken at the loss of life. There was a youtube vid of them on Israeli TV saying that they had been sent there specifically to film the incident. Foreknowledge anyone?

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