9/11 fire-fighters: explosives in building, page-34

  1. 1,134 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 111
    I don't understand you conspiricy theorists.

    In a world where information is abundant and easy to distort or even make up, how does one judge what is accurate/the truth and what is not?

    Is your conspiracy theory, based only on some conjecturing any more believable than the commonly accepted story?

    What we know is that 2 large planes hit the world trade centre buildings. No dispute there.

    What we also know is that hundreds of security camera's and witnesses saw the terrorists boarding these planes, which is backed up by hundreds if not thousands of witnesses that these people had been training for this and harboured a motive. No dispute there.

    What we know is that the event itself was instantly broadcast all over the world and within minutes reporters from all over the world had descended on New York and stayed for months afterwards interviewing everyone they could. These were reporters of all political persuasions, with all kinds of motives. It is one of the most documented acts of our time.

    What we know is that the United States is an open democracy. No democracy is perfect, however it has a free and independent media and a thriving and strong opposition political party that will strive to do absolutely everything to keep the ruling party in check. All levels of Government are filled with people, like you or me, who believe in human rights and the good of all humans and will if confronted by such a 'conspiracy' do all they can to see that the truth reaches the light of day.

    Despite all this you decide instead to hang your hat on some conspiracy theory borne only of a few so called experts who have not studied in any detail what has actually happened. That no credible or reliable evidence has ever come out supporting your conspiracy theory in a nation that has such a strong independent media and opposition party/supporters is damning enough.

    The other thing to note - is that in a world of varying opinions, why do you choose only to hang your hat on one? Why not look at those that have discredited such conspiracy theories? Any two-buck so called expert can take a quick look at the situation and come up with some cock-bull conspiracy theory, that they are an educated person does not make them correct - particularly when others have studied the collapse in detail and provided extremely detailed and plausable reasons. See rebutalls here:


    It seems that those who like to entertain these conspiracy theories are driven by an intense dislike of the US and their subsequent actions which then robs them of any rational thinking that would enable them to objectively assess the information.

    Yes, the US is not perfect. They have made some monumental blunders, both before and after September 11. But to deny that September 11 happened as it is reported to have happened is complete folly.

    If I were you I would be more concerned about what is happening in opaque, closed-societies like North Vietnam and Iran. Would you rather believe those leaders? Are you also one of the people who believes that the holocast never happened - despite it too being one of the most heavily documented atrocities ever in the history of mankind?

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