9/11 Wasn't What You Think It Was, page-6

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    NWO Internet Controllers More Desperate Than Ever To Control The Most Radioactive Content

    Via State of the Nation

    SOTN Sabotage: This is the post that triggered the site takedown since February 16th.

    Many SOTN visitors emailed us right after the following exposé was posted on Friday, February 16, to inform us that no new posts were appearing anywhere on the site.

    SOTN Editor’s Note: This attack occurred immediately following the posting of the article shown below. As the reader can see, this article lays bare the global pysop and black op carried out by the Western Intelligence Community and Mainstream Media where it concerned the brazen assassination of the traitor Navalny by his own CIA/MI6 handlers. Which is why the attack on SOTN was so swift and impactful in order to prevent our readership from seeing the many subsequent exposés on the same assassination plot and subsequent machinations.

    As often is the case, SOTN was the very first website on the Internet to cover this HUGE story. However, the dark side is now ever so aware of just how much a tiny Alt Media platform can have in seeding the World Wide Web with a HUGE story such as this one. Their virtually instantaneous reaction reflects the degree to which they had planned to use this transparently false flag assassination to smear Russia yet again. The rabidly Russophobic Zio-Anglo-American Axis had long planned to use this assassination to further sanction Russia as a means of revenge for utterly destroying the Ukrainian military on the Donbass battlefield.

    Bottom Line: It took a long time, but the U.S. Intel Community and Tyrannical Technocracy are now starkly aware of the slowly emerging Multi-Media Mothership paradigm that quietly monitors the entire planet. Think of the CIA’s Mockingbird Media, U.S. Federal Government and Big Tech as different arms of Big Brother. Well, guess what: BIG MOTHER is watching Big Brother!


    Once the dark side permitted the Internet to roll out in its present format, those Khazarian clucks must not have realized the extent to which truth-seekers worldwide could leverage it to do major damage to their global power structure and various control mechanisms. Because of that fatal miscalculation, their entire New World Order implementation plan is now in total disarray. Which means that the WEF’s Great Reset is way off schedule; and, that the globalist’s One World Government will never happen. The UN has been exposed as the Khazarian-controlled criminal organization that it truly is and folks across the planet are waking up faster than the free-fall collapse of the Twin Towers.

    For the many doubters who will attempt to poke holes in this irrefutable analysis, just look at the ways in which the COVID-19 bioweapon and weaponized Covid ‘vaccines’ were exposed on the very day the biowar against humanity was launched on January 22, 2020. See: OPERATION CORONA BIOTERROR. The Covid Super Vaccination Agenda was supposed to be implemented straight through this whole decade and yet was practically terminated by the beginning of 2023.

    Similarly, the Alt Media has exposed much of the malevolent global power structure up to a certain level, after unmasking all the billionaire frontmen and celebrity pitchmen across the entire VIP firmament. See: THE HIDDEN SATANIC GLOBAL POWER STRUCTURE REVEALED

    In point of fact, every single institutional entity and known secret society has been implicated in the ongoing global depopulation scheme, genocidal plots targeting specific nations, and CBDC-drive enslavement conspiracy. (See: The Global Power Structure Behind OPERATION COVID-19 & COVID KILL SHOT Exposes Itself). For all intents and purposes, CBDC is dead on arrival as too many governments throughout the world community of nations have already killed it, as have different states throughout the USA.

    Then there is the nakedly stolen election of 2020 and soon-to-be-stolen election of 2024. This is where the Alt Media working very closely with the Patriot Movement have put a big dent in their nefarious master plan to collapse the American Republic. The NWO globalists know they must take over the USA — lock, stock and barrel — if any of their odious designs are to come to fruition. Now we see that the well-concealed perps are so desperate to control the 2024 POTUS outcome that there is really no way they cannot push the country into bedlam and conflict, chaos and confusion, pandemonium and strife—but in a rather uncontrollable way, which is entirely foreign to those consummate Khazarian controllers.

    Like we said:

    BIG MOTHER is watching Big Brother!


    N.B. What follows is the aforementioned SOTN post on February 16 that provoked the criminal and split-second attack by the seemingly all-powerful and pervasive Internet censors. But first check this out: HOLY SHITE!!! This is effin’ crazy man…as in total governmental insanity!

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