this is my last reply to you - you have failed to comprehend any...

  1. 21,239 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9

    this is my last reply to you - you have failed to comprehend any post I've made. Do your own research, I'm not interested in educating you. And in particular read what I post not what you assume I've posted. I'll give you one example. The link I gave to 'prominent opposers' which listed many reputable people opposed to the official version of 911 you feebly attempted to dismiss as simply arguing against the 911 commission report. You clearly didn't read much of that article. You choose to side with the 'debunkers' who as a group have not to date provided a single solid refutation of any of the truth movement's concerns. The debunkers counter-arguments do not stand up to scrutiny - not a single one of them. Popular Mechanics appears to be the focus around which debunkers rally - but as I've said before, Popular Mechanics has all the authority of the Women's Weekly when it comes to debating 911.... and that's all you'll ever get from me, though I can guarantee you'll reply to this post expecting an answer, that says all posters need to know about you.

    "Hi Mom, this is Mark Bingham"

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