(9/5/2016) Clinton Battles Coughing Attack in Ohio

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    D Wickman54 minutes ago
    22 minute coughing speech in Cleveland followed by a 24 minute coughing speech later today in Iowa. The small audiences are really a tell about her popularity.

    Michael Torres14 minutes ago
    when the camera zooms out around 17:00 you can see how people are just listening. their ears are open. and their gut is telling them something doesn't feel good. they're realizing how they're really resonating with trump's message. and it's ALLL ABOARD!! haha TO THE WHITE HOUSE BABY!!

    Jeffrey Archer2 hours ago
    Hillary Clinton is choking on her own bullshit
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    CHiPs Brandy1 hour ago
    Labor Day, when most Americans were off work for the Holiday, she could only get about 400 people to attend her big rally. If you believe the polls that she is in the lead then you are not very attentive to everything that is going on with her health, and lack of trustworthiness. Trump rallies are setting attendance records and he can complete a full sentence without falling into a coughing fit.
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