9 Good reasons for Victorian disaster

  1. 9,358 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    The covid disaster in Victoria is not the
    result of bad luck or accident.

    It is action and reaction
    comparable with a thrown stone making a splash in water.

    Victoria has Human Rights legislation.

    The hotel "quarantine" fiasco had many failings,
    but two stood out like dogs' ears.

    1 Because of their HR (human rights) staff could not force people to take a test,
    many refused to take a test.

    2 After 14 days, all were released into the community,
    even the ones who had refused to take the test
    were released.
    Because of their HR, they could not be detained or have freedom curtailed.

    Some of the "quaranteenees" went to work and some went to the Soviet style
    accommodation towers in Flemington.

    The first case occurred at the Cedar Meats.
    The employer was not told the worker was sick
    3 (the worker had HR to privacy) of course.

    As testing was ramped up, positive cases soon reached 4000.
    4 These were told to go home and isolate for 14 days.

    5 No one was told they were positive other than the "patient".
    Even his/her GP was in the dark; and therefore at risk..

    6 1000 positive testers have disappeared.
    They were not at home isolating; can't be found.

    7 Astoundingly, no action has been taken against these people
    who refuse to isolate.

    Play golf, fish off the beach, you will be fined.
    Wander about infectious to all you meet -
    no action; it is your HR.

    8 Stupid Health staff.
    Deputy Health Chief Liselle van Diemen tried to explain why it was
    OK to release covid cases who had refused to be tested.
    Could not understand her "logic".

    9 Days after the school hols, Dan announced stage 3.
    They had all gone.
    Freeways and every other road out of Melbourne was chokkers.
    On the Mornington Peninsula, the end of the freeway was gridlock
    in all directions.

    So you see it was not bad luck that
    the tish hit the fan in Melbourne.

    Stupid action; inevitable consequences.
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