911 - postscript......, page-14

  1. 21,239 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9

    well, it's nearly my last post.....

    you're all choked up grahod - tripping over yourself in ignorance - you have demonstrated nothing..... I know what I heard...... regardless of the actual sum of money involved (no one knows the exact amount) - though all agree it's TRILLIONS of dollars totally unaccounted for - do you think a court of law investigating fraud would accept the excuse offered by you and your ilk?....... are you telling me that any agency can be given TRILLIONS of dollars and not be able to account for them? given the enormous amount of money the Pentagon received, don't you think they would have had accounting systems equal to the task of keeping track of their own money? was the Pentagon deliberately using Commodore 64's in its accountancy departments?...... your excuse is a joke..... and I never stated that the demolished office area was the ONLY place financial records were kept....

    but tell me grahod - where did a 100 ton passenger airplane disappear to? where was all the crash debris? where were the bodies? where is the video evidence from the Pentagon of any plane crash? why is the government too scared to release it?...... your feeble excuses won't cut it...... you have smashed no one except perhaps yourself......

    and I haven't even gone near the World Trade Centre Towers where EVERY expert (that's not you of course) demolition and combustion engineer viewing the video of particularly WTC7 (not even hit hit by a plane) collapses at free fall speed into its own footprint......

    try to understand this grahod.....

    no reasonable person can ignore the stark evidence against the lies promulagated by the United States government in the matter of the events of 9/11

    you see grahod, what you conspiracy theorists make the mistake of thinking is that people such as myself know what happened. We don't. What we are saying is that the United States government version of what happened is absurd and that there should be another investigation of 911 by those not connected to the United States government instead of the snow job the world has been presented with.

    unfortunately Obama does not look like the sort of person likely to do any such thing...... now grahod I will permit you to rant on.....

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