911 - postscript......, page-34

  1. 7,404 Posts.
    yes off topic, but very closely related,
    it is bought to you by the same people for the same agenda.

    it is sad what people will do for money

    here is a great scheme:

    make it a criminal offence not to pay taxes
    make it law that the only acceptable form of payment is a particular collection of printed paper
    force people to work for this money because landowners have to pay rates
    now you can print as much money as you want, get people to do whatever you want them to (build your empire).
    then print some more money and buy up their years of hard work (just by printing some paper, or now, changing some binary on computer memory)
    people will start kiss butt and compete against and trample on their neighbours (capitalism, business owners think it's great).
    given the human condition in general, bribery is bound to result in lying experts
    after all if, if they are taught to believe this life is it, or they they will have an eternal erection and sex, for destroying other people's lives, why should thay care who they hurt in the process of getting their (or getting to their) kicks?
    you can go on an on with this kind of thought investigation, and what comes to light is not nice.

    everything is connected

    in the work place you can see hitlers
    it is evident enough even amongst primary school kids.
    bush, cheney, gates, silverstein, kissinger, wall st bankers, etc, just happen to be some that made it to the top or close to it, or were bred for the purpose - there is many many more that are all too keen to take their places - you don't have to look far.

    a major reason why money exists is because it gives someone the hope that they can buy land and labour and lord it over others
    this is evil enough, but in doing so, they choose to ignore that they can never rise above those that have the power to issue money.

    someone said here, perhaps mockingly, that if you look hard enough you will see conspiracies in everything.
    they are dead right, and it is true - there is conspiracies in everything, and when you think about it, should it be any surpise?, considering what we have all consented to in one way or another.

    i see this as the consequences of kamma
    what is happening we have brought upon ourselves
    we have committed a phenomenal amount of evil and continue to do so.
    only a fool would would expect a good outcome

    if you ever get the opportunity to watch body and mind in quiet, sooner or later the garbage will start to rise to the surface, it can take a long time to get rid of it, depending upon how deepley ingrained you have made it.
    it's not a pleasent process, but it is worthwhile, no one esle is going to clean up this filthy house.

    look around, it should be quite apparrent that the road to hell is wide and many travel upon it.

    mental inclinations remain, all the gold and material posessions stays.
    there is real gold in ecclesiastes for those that can read between the lines.

    from my experience i have good reason to suggest that this garbge follows you from one lifetime to another.
    it can be come a heavy load, and you will find many that ignorantly attempt to dump it on others.

    i think of the story of jesus being told that he can have all the kingdoms of the world if he bowed down at the feet of satan. i think he could identify a scam when he encountered one.
    many bow down for a lot less than that.
    i don't think that satan (real or not) is to be despised as he is only the tempter (he couldn't force jesus to bow) but rather the problem is our own self inficted illness and mental poverty
    this is the commercial world and all that are subsequently losing their mind
    it is not surprising that reports of mental disease are rife.

    don't blame the inside job on the tripple towers on a select few.
    denial of such responsibility and accountability just creates more misery for all.

    such people are products of our personal evil.

    so in summary, i think that recognition that the official 911 story has more holes in it than a block of swiss bank account cheese, is a movement in the right direction.
    however, if that leads us to point the finger outwards without also pointing it inwards, then that is going in the wrong direction.

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