911 - postscript......, page-49

  1. 6,012 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 245
    Ophir I was hoping you wouldn't get in on this discussion because I knew if you did it would resort to a new level of absurdity and stupidity. You didn't disappoint.

    You just wrote a whole lot of tripe with no backing up. Just opinion by a nutter conspiracy website and you swallow hook and line.

    I mean ....

    "Have you seen the photos of the Pentagon lawn where the "757" struck?"

    It didn't hit the lawn. It hit the Pentagon. Does it need anymore explaining? There is however parts of the plane on the lawn because it hit a power pole and clipped a generator just before the Pentagon.

    "But the evidence at the crime scene was shipped out asap"

    It wasn't! I clearly provided proof of that. Yet you still swallow someone else's bull.

    "Also, why did Bush refuse to have a 9/11 for two years, giving in eventually to public pressure and criticism that he had something to hide"

    If you mean a investigation you really are gone. Do you honestly believe a president would think he could get away with not allowing a investigation of the biggest terrorist attack in US history. Fema was at ground zero from go.

    "About the alleged plane that hit the Pentagon, you are totally wrong, the FBI and the other US fascist police rounded up all film, intimidated witnesses, cleared the scene etc etc. They had thousands of cameras to film the attack"

    Yeah righto there are thousands of cameras in that one area. Of course there is. That makes logical sense. I've got something just as good as a camera. Peak hour traffic with thousands of commuters. No one saw a missile yet everyone saw a plane. If it was a missile how would you keep that many quiet. Simple answer is you can't. Because of course in the deluded world of conspiracy theory apparently you can no problems.

    "No engines, jet parts, wings, tails etc."

    Planes mostly disintegrate when they crash, fire certainly takes care of the rest. Any old mug knows this one




    Anyway plane parts below .... Oh but apparently the parts are part of a missile. Dear me!


    Barbara Olson, 45, was a prominent lawyer and frequent political pundit on CNN and other TV channels. She was basically an American celebrity. She was on flight 77. Ophir where is she if the plane was a missile? Where are all these people below ......


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