the reason I ever resurrected the 911 debate recently was...

  1. 6,764 Posts.
    the reason I ever resurrected the 911 debate recently was because it's the tenth anniversary of 911 this year
    no the reason why you continue with this bile and tripe is because you have too much time on your hands waiting for your parents to leave home so you can get access to their computer

    you little Harry Potters need to wake up to the fact that without the yanks, that you so fanatically condemn,not only would you not have a computer or the internet,but you would be on a diet of whale meat and sushi,and they are the only people and nation that you can call on for your freedom of owning this country and living in peace.

    please post this nonsense in the humour section in the future,just the same little people posting the same repetitive bull dust
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