A blast from the past - for gb's

  1. dub
    33,892 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 350
    G'day folks,

    Haven't called in for a loooonnngggg while, but was playing around tonight with the evolutionary story of gold bugs to send to a couple of friends.

    I thought it may be of interest to some her (like Chuck, Junior etc ... if they're still alive). Anyway, here 'tis:

    As I see it, the evolutionary stages of the gold bug go like this:

    1. Embryonic gb ( Untried potential. Innocent. Equally as open to logical argument as to predjudiced discourse. May become great, may become small.)

    2. Fledgling gb (Holds rudimentary knowledge. Still very malleable and extremely gullible.)

    3. Juvenile gb (Learnt quite a bit actually. No longer malleable, but still gullible.)

    4. Adolescent gb (Absolutely bloody disastrous. Thinks it knows and understands everything! Gung-ho attitude. High death rate.)

    5. Prime-of- life gb (dangerous these - full of knowledge, self belief and hormones)

    6. Mature gb (has the knowledge, has been hurt immeasurably by unfettered belief in gold and by own hubris. Knows/recognises own failings and limits but maintains true belief beyond all sceptism/cynism)

    7. Senile gb (a sad situation this, but, unfortunately, who really gives a flying?)

    8. Dead gb.

    9. Wondrous gb (sees that the streets of heaven really are paved with gold. Would love to just keep looking down, but has been blinded by the brilliance of god and consequently can't see anything).

    I like to think I'm, at last, a mature gb. That's why I'm wading through all 79 pages of SBM's annual report.

    To you 2 embryos, I suggest you might look at the Chairman's Executive Summary. It can be found at http://aspect.comsec.com.au/asxdata/20020925/pdf/00318210.pdf

    bye. dub

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