A blow to Trumps new found glow, page-14

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    What has Trump reeked on the American people

    He hoodwinked voters and scraped in with a minority vote.

    The scandals began immediately.

    Trumps choice for Attorney General was questioned under oath before Congress agreed to appoint
    him . I saw a recording of that and he denied having any knowledge of anyone
    speaking to the Russians before the election and said that he certainly did not-remember this is under oath.

    Now it has been established that he did speak with the Russians on two occasions and ludicrously says
    he doesn’t remember what was discussed. He is now in charge of all the top law bodies in the land including
    the FBI who is supposed to be investigating Russian hacking claims. The Russians can probably throw light on what was discussed but even if they go easy on him it could look like they are withholding information so as to have the Attorney General hooked. A very scary situation. In any event under oath he said no discussions took place when they did so he should resign just on that issue and/or be charged with perjury.

    It was pointed out in the news that he previously said that if even a President was found to lie under oath then that President should be removed. No-one is above the law he said. He himself has now been caught out and on his own standards he should resign or be sacked. You cannot have someone with such a cloud hanging over his head in the top law enforcement job in the land. Trump should make him go. If he doesn’t it may look like he may be involved in what occurred and they are covering it up. What a debacle! A Presidency which in just one month is in turmoil and facing investigation.
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