Hi, how Ya goin, I expect,..You think I'm joking, Seriously,...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Hi, how Ya goin,

    I expect,..You think I'm joking, Seriously, "We" are NOT.

    If you get a chance, go in the Bible to the Tower of Babble subject and the likes of, by Joe, where will mans imagination take him?

    Jesus said the likes of, unless you become like one of these Children, you wont be coming to the Wedding, as a guest.

    Well,....just have a look in the world today ---> MAN has complicated it.
    God reveals the End from the Beginning = what was, will be ---> Effectively Adam and Eve's, Beginning, Children.
    Adam and Eve as you know, knew NO evil, appear like innocent kids, that in itself, SHOULD be drawing ones attention.
    It suggests, people are not picking up on something, and in how, what is the real truth of God's plan, as on the surface here with "OUR" mindset and "IF" where all honest, something is NOT gelling (our mindset here I'm talking)?

    If where going to follow, we need to grasp, God knows best, perfection, so "our" reasoning etc, NEED to take second place, stage for Truth, Spirit "OF" Truth to be revealed to US.
    So the question arises, are we thrown all our trials, to refine us, test us and if you come out of it, through it, you have become refined, perfected and with his help, and your own efforts and rewarded accordingly and your not just a robot, of which he could have made man = not the same?
    Just a thought?

    If I look back at my book of life, boy,... some of the things, the chances of them happening were like, you would have thought, not possible, rare, very slim chances, going by mans thoughts and opinions.
    But perhaps and due to my upbringing, didn't have much,......nothing will stop me climbing up that ladder, to get out of the holes that we often, get thrown into, I refuse to give up, I might be bleeding like a stuck pig, but I'm coming out haha.

    The two Trees, The Tree of Life --> GOD "THE" WORD = The Word of Life = THE WORD OF GOD and the other, guess who - good and evil tree.
    Jer 17:7-8 - Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is.
    For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.

    The Fig Tree or The Trees ---> ARE shooting forth ---> NOW.

    Jesus now named after THE WORD whose name is WORD, because He is Spirit/Word/Light and Jesus's name is The Word of God because HE was the carrier of The Word of Life, the SON ---> "a" Tree and now a begotten Tree ---> exalted - a God.
    Hence we are to become as shining stars as God IS Light.

    So before they got thrown out of the Garden, there food was the word of God only.

    They saw they were naked - God's Word is your clothing, if your not dressed for the wedding reception,.... guest's you are, then your not invited.
    Gen 3:21 - Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.

    Don't know what they had prior, but they DIDN'T have SKIN as "we" do now. How the bleepers people missed this, is beyond me, as soon as I saw it, recently, DING DONG!

    Lets make man in out image and likeness = SPIRIT/WORD into a Body of ???
    No one knows the thoughts of mans Spirit, accept that mans Spirit --> and then expressed, written down, drawn on paper, plan = Your inner creation, hidden mystery, you might say, is expressed.
    Hence, Jesus saying, if you have seen me, You have seen the Father = The Almighty God and Father as Jesus was The Temple.
    Flesh means Good News, Tidings, as it was heavenly flesh.

    God's Temples in the past, have all been destroyed at the Last Trump, currently, the 3 headed serpent, first king of hell, is in most temples, the abomination and desolation as we are all, some, Israel as God gave the original's a divorce certificate. (Jer 3:8).
    3 = Divine and 8 represents the future one, Jesus.

    The Bride I expect IS the 144,000, born recently, conception 2016, Jupiter/Virgo, Virgin's and the many others, who have the clothing, lamps full, are the guests.

    The plan, or hope is, all hear the song which is being sung as a new song, but the original ---> Here comes the Bride, here comes the Bride.

    Invitations are being offered, PLEASE accept them!

    7, 8,9 x

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