No. Toddlers don't have the intellectual capacity to make many...

  1. 11,900 Posts.
    No. Toddlers don't have the intellectual capacity to make many important decisions.
    Whereu, "intellectual capacity " is not the only thing needed "to make many important decisions." What about moral integrity?
    The more than 100 million that died by war last century is hard to sweep under the carpet. More easily forgotten is the silent slaughter of an estimated 40-60 million per year unborn babies this century. When you consider the many men that give the nod of approval and medical staff that make this possible you realize how depraved our society has become. Then there's global military spending of about a trillion dollars each year , while according to a United Nations source, about five million children die from the effects of hunger each year.
    Do I need to go on?
    (Ecclesiastes 8:11) Because sentence against a bad deed has not been executed speedily, the heart of men becomes emboldened to do bad.
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