Sorry Mr G, I have been here, there every where into areas, and...

  1. 23,364 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Sorry Mr G,

    I have been here, there every where into areas, and yet, technically there are miles and miles of passages that I haven't covered.

    I was looking on the net for the True Biblical timing, just reading an article and out of the blue, (ODD), it was like a guy on youtube, starts making an introduction about the true Jewish Gregorian calculator.
    I wasn't even on a youtube site?
    By golly did this guy know his stuff and as myself, "INSISTED" on staying within the Bible and NOTHING else.
    The Jewish calendar, timelines ARE 240 odd years behind, this guy spent years on this area.
    He tracked the likes of the true date of Jesus's birth etc, all the Temple collapses, EVERY mayor Jewish event, from A-Z and not one of these are out of wack with ALL the Jewish traditions, Sabbaths, Trumps etc, you name it.
    Dan is a key area where most of these years are lost, which throws out the 70th week understanding.
    It is said, some Jews did this, (Hid) otherwise they would have to acknowledge Jesus.

    WHAT YOU "appear" to be losing sight of IS, The Spiritual Israel, US IS THE Key SHEPHERD, they started out as a Christian Nation, and went down hill.
    The Pope etc will all be tired in, the second beast etc, the Pope will be involved, probably put into a position.
    Something "may" arise out of Turkey?

    China to US and "SOMEONE" (?) comes back at them, NOT the US, (their RS) and China leaves with only 1/6th left.
    The whole world stands back in awe, what the hec = crash, you name it, and then something like what you say.
    There needs to be a major issue, crash so people will be more inclined to accept, and entirely different system to what we have had.
    China, fits ALL the first Beast items, Dragon, History, was, wasn't is etc and their key worship, Dragon gods.
    EU was getting very concerned, all having to rely on China, world wondered after them etc.
    Bases in the ocean, from which this beast rises etc, feet as a bear = dragon claws, leopard, iron etc, etc.
    Leaders name XI = 666.
    Trained from childhood, for this future, has power now, set up so he can't be removed.

    For numerous reasons, I don't have time ATM to put up, I'm going to be bold, people can knock it, "I" DON'T CARE.
    ROSH HASHANAH this year!!!
    (Our, my 4oth wedding anniversary, probation is up on this "exact" timing?).

    IT ONLY tells us, the day and hour, no one knows.
    EVERY Jewish event has been SMACK on this timing = EVERYTHING.
    Second day of the 2nd week of the AV month, Sabbath etc.
    These days, only come up at certain timings, alignments.
    The last Temple = 40 years after Jesus's death, as Israel was given a 40 year probation, time to accept Jesus and they didn't.

    Spiritual Israel, Temple is NOW THE PEOPLE, 40 year probation started 1978!
    Just go and do a history search of that year, OH my, the signs were there, all right, the new approval of the US $ coin, Pope issues, death, murder of a Pope, mid-east agreements and on and on, to songs, movies coming out etc.

    The Jupiter, Virgo sign in 2016 or whatever, 91/2 months (41 weeks) conception of 144,000 and then Born, how why, as they sort nothing BUT God and Jesus's truth, and no matter what was thrown at them, they were unmovable and boy, have they been getting hit, just as Rev says so.
    Also at this time as Rev shows 14:6 - And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people.
    Their sealing involved, teaching, leading or being led etc, "a" time period, then birth.

    YOU need to find "this" Gospel, Mr G!!!
    I gave you the "KEY" to it on more then one occasion.

    144,000 ---> Show me, a "single" verse where they are actually preaching in the Trib, as I can't find ONE?
    Standing on Mount Zion = Spiritual and follow The Lamb, wherever He goes.
    There "maybe" even two groups of the 144,000 the tribes and the new Spiritual ( I think not, but?).

    What I'm seeing everywhere in the Bible, it appears most of the world, has something wrong?
    Everyone goes, no,.......we are not of the word, hmm???

    One NEEDS to THINK, Adam and Eve, knew no evil and YET???
    Days of Noah = 8 only???
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