LNG 0.00% 4.3¢ liquefied natural gas limited

A Coordinated Pump n Dump?, page-32

  1. 781 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    That major concern is a huge concern. LNG will have to liquidate more shares and at this crappy price of $0.80 now. There is a chance some bigger guys can average down since LNG being LNG will probably offer shares at 70 cents even when it's at 80 cents. That will cause the stock to fall even more. If we don't get any one participating in that then they will just offload the shares to the market (Do you guys do that in australia?). That usually makes the stock fall more until all the shares are sold according to whatever price range they allowed to go to (and then stop selling once the price slightly rises then they dump more). With money running out the chances of a buy out in my opinion are higher. And it's sad that I say they have $80 million + and yet that is concerning. Maybe they should stop paying each other $5 million or whatever ridiculous salaries they have and start doing something with the company instead of sitting with their thumbs in their asses waiting for approvals.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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