stop the boats?Don't see too many street demos across the world...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    stop the boats?

    Don't see too many street demos across the world placarding "Stop the Bombings!"

    After 9/11 we saw streets awash with celebration!

    Not even from the so called "moderate" Muslims.
    No, not a ruddy peep!

    Who seem to have quickly caught up with every sophisticated legal trick in the book when it comes to their own personal financial advantages.

    We have uneducated imams in mosques, not even able to speak Endligh in some instances, preaching heaven knows what hatreds and insurgence. This is NOT some sort of game!
    Bleeding hearts versus us.

    The celebrations in the streets when we and ours get blown to bits, you must admit, are a "bit" hard to stomach!

    If we're going to admit people, from anywhere, at least let's know who they are - AND their track records.

    If you don't like it - have a good look at the UK - France - Germany - Scandinavia. All turning into a mish mash of chaos and basket cases - no replacement national
    populations coming through.

    Look at the UN and tbeir uselessness, and the manner in which they despise the UNited States, and vote in big national and ethnic blocks in numbers of 70% = 80% AGAINST anything the US proposes.

    Yet the US are good enough to pay their defence bills - year in - year out. Leaving the Europeans to continue to enjoy their indolent, lazy, self-absorbed welfare fuelles lifestyles - because they leave the planes and the nukes to the Yanks to worry about.

    Yep - Rudd will go well at the UN - all hot air and nothing ever gets done. Just a talking house of Yank haters. who expect the Yanks to rush to their aid when there's trouble.

    If you settle in a country, you should make every effort to assimilate with your host country.

    Instead, most host countries are so weak, so keen to appear "humane", and "caring," THEY are falling all over themselves to forfeit their own traditions and assimilate with the rules and regulations of people who are settling.

    Worst of all, we dare not talk about these matters. And so nothing is said in our mainstream media. For the old "racist" label is hung around our necks. And we are forced to feel ashamed, because we spoke out.

    And so we'll be absorbed, given time. Come back to the world in 2150, and tell me I'm wrong. For we are the unclean infidels. We can convert, or die.

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