a disgace, page-33

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Funny - not very.

    Two people with no kids telling us what to do - and needing
    to let in boat people to jack up our population.

    People who will surely vote Labor downtrack after they've successfully used out systems to sue us for false detainment and heaven knows what else, and gained citizenship. Then being allowed to bring out their extended families, no questions asked. Who expect US to assimilate with them and THEIR beliefs - (the current swimming pool kneck to knee issue for one!) - and not THEM to assimilate with their new HOST country and IT's customs.
    With the help of the softy feely QC bleeding heart and court fraternities.

    Yep - Gillard and Brown - so knowledgeable about families and how difficult it is to raise kids, keep food on the table - and a roof over our families' heads. The ones from overseas gain them so much more kudos - and pleases the UN, who give the lots of brownie points and are so fond of interfering with our country's affairs - but can't get their own house in order - ever. Ineffective dabblers - leaders at the UN! Who should be attending to their own backyards - which aren't too flash to put it mildly.

    No wonder Aussie families are so disillusioned - and why it's becoming the norm either not to marry, or if so, not to have kids. It's now "trendy" NOT to have kids. who wants the little brats. They're just a nuisance - a hindrance to the "good life" of flash cars, overpaid careers, and selft-absorbtion.

    Once Australians give up on having kids - ta ta Australia as we know it!

    Just look at the dying throes of Europe/Scandinavia.
    Ultra generous welfare rules - and they can afford to be generous, because America, the world's policemen, foot THEIR bills (and most of ours come to that) for the world's major defence! So there's much more money to throw around on feel good welfare to keep votes!

    No wonder Kev rushed over to the USA. If OZ had to pay for ALL of our own defence - sans USA - and the US was NOT an ally - not at our immediate beck and call -
    the NBN wouldn't even be able to be on Gillard's drawing board. Neither would a lot of other "stuff" she's have no spare funds for.

    For America is really footing the bill for most of the world's generous welfare. By picking up the defence tab for everyone else, and appearing first to help at any international disaster, they keep these lazy European economies afloat with monies they don't have to allott to defence. Yet the USA are the first to be criticised and maligned.

    Woke up this am to Brown droning on about Euthanasia. Just the thing you need to cheer you up first thing Monday morning. Now it's one of Gillard's priorities suddenly. Don't you wish they'd just shut up - and get on with what is their job? And their job is NOT dictating to us as to how we're going to live our lives according to what THEY think is best for us. Just because they got together in a cosy deal and now Brown's wishes are Gillard's wishes.

    None of us voted for social engineering to be sghoved down our collective throats. So get off it - and stick to the job of the daily running of the engineroom. Or at least learning which are the right buttons to press!
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