a few limericks

  1. 5,328 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    St. Paddy Day is coming up soon and I thought I'd compose a few limericks for the occasion. What do you think? At least they're original.

    There was a young mother called Avi,
    Whose knowledge of babies was savvy.
    To those who'd surmise,
    That her methods weren't wise,
    She'd say in response "c'est la vie".

    There was a fair maiden named Carolyn,
    Whose lingerie was made out of crinoline.
    "I know Harold likes see-through,
    With a penchant for peek-a-boo.
    But that's what I'll never be seen dead in."

    There was a young lady from Dagenham,
    Who loved meeting men and then telling 'em,
    That her man was Fred Moore,
    'Cause his motives were pure,
    Like the naughty old men at the Vatican.

    There was an old Scotsman named Terry,
    Who couldn't tell Arthur from Mary.
    "The same way they are built,
    And they both wear a kilt,
    And you've never seen ankles more hairy."
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