A great little video for Jopo, Birdman and his disciples, page-17

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    Re, Good old coal/fossil fuels, is not doing too bad...

    China’s Thermal Power Output Rising By 6.3% So Far This Year

    NOVEMBER 16, 2017

    By Paul Homewood

    Further to the recent Global Carbon Project report, which revealed that CO2 emissions were on the rise again in China this year, it is worth looking at what the China Energy Portal has to say. Although they are an independent outfit, they say that all of their data comes from governmental websites, and I have found them reliable in the past.

    Below is their YTD summary of electricity generation, showing how thermal has dominated the increase in total generation. Wind and solar barely figure at all.

    [Note graph is Q3 2017 year to date versus Q3 2016 year to date. *Thermal includes coal, gas, oil, and biomass]

    Based on these increases, we can project the outturn numbers for 2017 as a whole. Wind and solar would increase their contribution from 5.1% to 5.9% of the electricity mix.

    While China’s demand for electricity continues to rise at this sort of rate, wind and solar will never be more than bit part players.

    They also include some other interesting data:

    • “New energy vehicles” are still chicken feed.​
    • Coal production is up 5.7%​
    • Natural gas production is also up at 9.1%​
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