a great win today, page-6

  1. 1,709 Posts.
    golden6, Fantastic,,,
    lol, my whole life has been clothes from Op shop, I don't ever remember having anything new as a child. Even my knitted undies were from a used jumper
    ....now half of me is so over it and the other half just can't resist it.

    A little o/t..
    Just going back when I split from ex, son was about 2 when I got a job cleaning houses with a female friend. We cleaned houses of well off people and a lot, when they knew I had a son gave me some great clothes for bub......we did a great job too.

    Soon my friend found full time employment and gave me her best clients (LOL).

    One was a couple that I had never met as the wife was a big business women and hubby was working from home. He left each week for 1 and a half hours (with their child) so I could clean and always paid me for 2 hours.
    One Monday my ex got called in to work even though it was his RDO.
    He dropped son off to me as I was about to go (no mobile then).
    Son had the same clothes on since Friday and a green snotty nose.
    I had no choice but to grab a clean sheet and get in the car.
    Put son on couch with clean sheet, while I cleaned the house before the husband got home.

    Well I could not believe my eyes when the Lady of the house came home..(had been cleaning her house for over 4 months and never seen any off them).

    She gave me 2 week notice and I was so embarrassed as I thought it was because I took snotty son with me. She said they were moving.(gave me some lovely clothes from her child)
    Months later she called me from her new place and wanted me back....but by then I had found a new job as receptionist.

    Then there was the guy who lived alone in a unit and I cleaned his place only once a fortnight.
    One day I walked in and ran out dry retching....will leave that for another day.

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