G'day Reaper, Not that I want to be seen as an apologist for all...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 80

    G'day Reaper,
    Not that I want to be seen as an apologist for all of Hitler's actions (OK?), but he DID lift a shattered Germany out of the depressed messy quagmire it was in after WW1, and turned it into a powerful industrial & military machine. The people regained their pride and patriotism.....and a comfortable standard of living. They grew to virtually worship him. Now, this was BEFORE the "bad stuff" started to happen....
    Used to see old news clips of people climbing up on whatever just to get a glimpse of him, adoration on their faces for what he had given them.....
    Then, of course, it started to fall apart.....people started to express doubts....and it was too late to stop the momentum of the war machine. but certainly not all Germans supported the later actions of the Nazi War Machine, or were Nazis. By then, the ordinary people didnt have a choice.....it was either go with the flow or be shot as a traitor.They certainly didnt approve of any atrocities.
    I just know there will be some here who will say everyone had a "choice", and that they would have taken a bullet in the head rather than serve the regime....but somehow I dont think so....

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